Another example of funny miscommunications:
A week ago, I asked my language trainer to come for a visit (na gosti) after classes. I had a few questions Z to make sure we are understanding each other. For instance I want her to know that I appreciate her cooking for me (when was the last time you had someone preparing you 3 meals a day, 7 days a week?). I also wanted her to know that sometimes I don’t eat “more” not because I don’t like it but because I’m used to eating differently and my body is still adjusting to the different foods here. And when I eat too much at one time, I don’t feel good. I also wanted her to know that I am grateful for her washing my laundry for me. I asked if there is anything I can help with.
And I said I appreciate all the things she talks about even if I can’t understand them. One thing that came out during this interpreted conversation was that I asked my language trainer what Z means when she says “Blu.” The way I here Z use it is to indicate that something is good or beautiful, but the language trainer didn’t recognize it as a Bulgarian word. No problem – villagers often speak more of a dialect. So when asked what “Bloo” means, Z said she wasn’t sure but it’s an American word she picked up from me. HA!
Today is shower time once again – yippee. I have come to greatly appreciate and eagerly anticipate a shower. Today it has been one week since I had my last shower. I’ve learned to take sponge baths (not really – more like wet-wipe wipe downs) the days in between showers. And my hair seems to not get super dirty (Who knew?). “Why don’t I ask for showers more often?” you say? Well, aside from the fact that I don’t think she does it any more often herself and it requires the effort of building a fire for the boiler, and I’m supposed to be assimilating into the culture, etc. ….. I am now looking out my window and this woman, 10 years older than me is splitting firewood with an axe so I can have a shower. Hmmm. I could offer to help, but it’s been 25 years since I’ve split wood. Maybe in the fall if I have my own wood-burning stove and I need to split wood, I’ll reconsider, but right now my body and mind are saying “No way.”
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