Saturday, July 23, 2011


I am just tickled pink right now (where did that expression come from?)! I sauteed onions, garlic, eggplant, green pepper and tomatoes for dinner. Not only was it pretty to look at but it tasted fresh and filled with vitality - all the items are from neighbors gardens. I've been in a rut around food so I'm thrilled to break out and find something new. The tomatoes have been delicious - big ones, small ones, in-between ones and heirlooms (one variety at least). And it's definitely tomato time - a corner in the center of town has folks there every day hopeful that someone will the their tomatoes. There are also a few melons and peppers, but lots and lots of tomatoes. And they are selling for about 40 cents a pound (however, if you adjust for the standard of living, it'll probably be in the ballpark of American prices).

And additionally, I found chili pepper sauce (mild) and soy sauce in our small grocery store today. Imagine that!

Ahhh, now on to other things.

There has been a lull in my posting to this blog. I think some of this has to do with me becoming

I'm settling in to my life and routine here in Bulgaria. I've been in this village for 6 weeks now and while I'm still (and always will be) the American, I'm not as new as I used to be. I've met many people both through introductions and through casual meetings while out walking.

I'm in a rhythm of living here and visiting two other villages weekly. I study the Bulgarian language almost daily and meet with my tutor twice a week. I've got my apartment set up and cleaned up so it feels like home. I have no specific "work" other than learning the language. Well not exactly - I'm starting to prepare to teach English to adults and kids a few times a week starting mid-September. The Peace Corps has supplied and wealth of information and online resources to help volunteers in such endeavors. It's a new journey for me, so I have a lot of planning to do. One group which I thought was "beginner" has been studying vocabulary and grammar once a week for two years. So they will need something more challenging once the "review" is over.

This summer I've been tutoring one child and I just began with one adult. This is giving me a taste of the process. I enjoy choosing this or that to focus on for each meeting and to find ways to interconnect the lessons. What I recently realized is that I don't have a larger vision - where will we be after 3 months - what are the goals, the orderly progression, the overview. This is what I want to focus on in August, so I feel prepared when September comes along.

My days are full with "ordinary" life. I say this affectionately because I'm loving the settling in process. While it's fun to be the new and different person in town, sometimes it's nice to just be one of the folks. During this time, I'm also able to spend time reflecting on what I think about and choose to do now. My environment is a fresh canvas upon which I can paint my life from this moment forward. I'm seeing new things, new people, new (old) ideas. At the same time I have brought "me" with me. So my attitudes, beliefs, good habits and not-such-good habits are here with me. I'm starting to consciously make choices of internal housecleaning. What do I want to keep, what do I want to change and what do I want to let go.

Physically - I've gotten out for long walks, exploring the village and roads in and out of it. I'm loving that and walking helps move through any stuck energy. I haven't found a yoga mat yet so that's still on the back burner. I'm preparing food that makes me happy (see above!) but my sweet tooth has followed me here! Emotionally I'm observing my rhythms and when I'm in a downswing, I know to rest, meditate and not judge myself harshly. When I'm on an upswing I know it's a good time to be productive and sharing my joy with folks here. And that it too shall pass, so don't get too attached - just go with the flow.

The biggest success I've had so far is just allowing life to unfold here for me while holding a vision for the best possible outcome. That means when I don't understand what's going on around me (a frequent occurrence) I assume that it's going well and I am on a "need to know basis" - if something is really important someone will make sure I know it. For example, I ask a bus driver at the bus station if his bus is going where I want to go and he says "no." I continue to wait for another bus, and the driver gets out of his bus and walks me to a different part of the bus station and tells me to wait there and that I want bus #9. Thank you guardian angels.

And sometimes when people are brusque or stand-offish, I can't take it personally. They have lives and deadlines and relationship constraints. I trust that all is well and that the discord has nothing to do with me. This is one of those blessings too - not being able to speak/understand the language very well, I don't have to get involved in anything where my nose doesn't belong!

So the gift in all this is that as my patterns emerge from circumstances around me, I get a pretty clear picture of them. Then it's time to choose to hang on or let go or morph in another direction.

O.K. this is getting lengthy. I think I'll call it a night (or a morning on the other side of the globe). We're having a pretty good downpour right now which is cooling everything off. Last week we had quite a thunderstorm - exciting thunder and lightening - I watched it from my balcony. I also got to light candles for the first time when the power went out.

Have a great day, and call me if you want to come over for some eggplant and veggies!

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