Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dear Friends and Family

Just a quick note....I'm thinking of you, wondering how your first day of summer is.  It definitely feels like summer -  90 degree temps here (although humidity was over 80%).  Fruits and veggies are ahead of last years schedule - mulberries and cherries have come and gone, I loved picking mulberries for breakfast every time I found a tree - they come in 3 colors - black, white and pink (the sweetest).  Now we're into apricots and plums. We also have lots of cucumbers, onions, garlic and zucchini.  It won't be much longer before the tomatoes begin to ripen.  :>)
Here's a little treat from one of my morning walks this week...

Wish you were here, to share the experience - the sounds, smells, cleaning little round clumps off of one's shoes, etc.... It's the simple things in life that give us great pleasure, right?

I hope the first day of summer/winter is a good one for you!

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